DSOSF 5-Year report

Since the Dominica School and Orphanage Support Fund became involved in Dominica operations in 2015, the school’s finances have improved tremendously. The following is an overview of how the DSOSF has invested in the school since it began its work.

Not only has the dsosf tripled its budget for general operations over 5 years, but it has also steadily increased investments in the school’s infrastructure. These projects include roof repairs, new classrooms, new stoves, security measures, and more.

Click here for the full-page report of GO/Infrastructure spending from 2015-2020.

Annual Financial Support

Trends in DSOSF financing since 2015 (measured in $1,000's)

Student Enrollment 2015 - 2020.png

Student enrollment—based on the DSO’s capacity to provide classroom space, food, and/or tuition to those who need it—has increased 50% since 2015.